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Amitava Chattopadhyay
Emerging Market Multinationals - Amitava Chattopadhyay

Status Quo Goals

Why Modest Goals Appeal to Us

Let’s say you’re wondering whether to set more money aside this coming year. You could go for a modest goal, such as increasing your savings by 1%, or pick a more ambitious one. You could also tell yourself: “I won’t increase my savings, but I’ll make sure to maintain whatever savings I already have.” New research by global school INSEAD, IE Business School, and Pamplin College of Business shows that you’re more likely to think that modestly increasing your savings is the most achievable of the three goals.

But isn’t it easier to maintain your savings than to increase them? Logically, yes, but here’s what you need to know. When we evaluate goals, we first consider the gap between the current and desired states. If that gap seems small enough, most of us feel quite encouraged. We think: “How difficult could it be? It’s an easy win! I can definitely do this!”

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Sat, 14 Dec @ 01:08 am

Completely moronic request by a moron who has been given power by still another moron who was elrcted by??? "Kennedy’s Lawyer Has Asked the F.D.A. to Revoke Approval of the Polio Vaccine"

Thu, 21 Nov @ 01:13 am

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Thu, 24 Oct @ 02:58 pm

Re @joeyd1121 @julie_kelly2 @Liz_Cheney Jan 6, constant lies, vulgarity, convicted felon, mysoginist, US generals lining up to say he is a Fascist. Want even more reasons?

Thu, 24 Oct @ 02:55 pm

Re @TheWorracnan @julie_kelly2 @Liz_Cheney Perfect. Pure opinion. What about the US generals? What about Project 25? Grow up, read broadly.

Thu, 24 Oct @ 02:53 pm

Re @DeanP11 @julie_kelly2 @Liz_Cheney @CNN @MSNBC Question is, where do you get your news? Read a newspaper lately? Looked at anything but Fox or your social media feed?

Thu, 24 Oct @ 02:51 pm

Re @efdouglass @julie_kelly2 @Liz_Cheney Ah, the defective Douglas gene speaks!

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