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Feel Busy All the Time? There’s an Upside to That

Imagine yourself at a restaurant, trying to decide between two desserts: a chocolate cake and a fruit bowl. You’ve been trying to eat healthier, but the cake just sounds so tasty… What do you do?

As it turns out, your decision is likely to be influenced by how busy you perceive yourself to be.

Busyness has previously been studied through the lens of time pressure. Researchers found that when people feel that they’re under significant time pressure, they tend to make decisions based on emotions. For instance, when consumers are placed in situations where they lack time to complete a task, they grow anxious and become more likely to give in to their impulses. They are more likely to choose the cake, so to speak.

However, that’s not the end of the story, as there’s a flip side to busyness. In recent years, being busy has become an unmistakable badge of honor in many Western societies. It’s quite common for people to humblebrag that they don’t have a minute to themselves. Feeling busy — that is, perceiving oneself to be a busy person — thus makes individuals feel that they’re prized, important members of society.

  Oct 29, 2018 | Papers - Journals / Conferences






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Sat, 14 Dec @ 01:08 am

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Thu, 24 Oct @ 02:58 pm

Re @joeyd1121 @julie_kelly2 @Liz_Cheney Jan 6, constant lies, vulgarity, convicted felon, mysoginist, US generals lining up to say he is a Fascist. Want even more reasons?

Thu, 24 Oct @ 02:55 pm

Re @TheWorracnan @julie_kelly2 @Liz_Cheney Perfect. Pure opinion. What about the US generals? What about Project 25? Grow up, read broadly.

Thu, 24 Oct @ 02:53 pm

Re @DeanP11 @julie_kelly2 @Liz_Cheney @CNN @MSNBC Question is, where do you get your news? Read a newspaper lately? Looked at anything but Fox or your social media feed?

Thu, 24 Oct @ 02:51 pm

Re @efdouglass @julie_kelly2 @Liz_Cheney Ah, the defective Douglas gene speaks!

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