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Amitava Chattopadhyay

Amitava Chattopadhyay
Emerging Market Multinationals - Amitava Chattopadhyay

The next McDonalds is Chinese? (French)

Le Monde, France

It is a variant of the great East-West confrontation. And in the battle between Samsung and Apple, two global technology giants, Asian and American, you still have not seen anything. While Apple has won the first round when a California jury ordered Samsung, August 25, more than a billion dollars in damages for infringement of its patents. But from the following day, the South Korean firm has perked up. Another court, in addition to familiar ground in Seoul, recognized the Apple and Samsung guilty of violating their respective patents times. Then on 31 August, this is Samsung a judge of Tokyo gave the victory, condemning Apple..

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  Sep 5, 2012 | In the Media






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